Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

30. Leaving Them In Hot Cars

Leaving Them In Hot Cars image source:

Not only to dogs hate being left in hot cars, it’s dangerous! When it’s 80 degrees outside the car, inside can heat up to over 100 degrees. With no airflow, a dog can easily get heatstroke or suffocation. If you’ve ever sat for five minutes in a hot car, you know how miserable it is.

Dogs don’t sweat, either, and can only regulate their temperature through panting. You wouldn’t leave a baby in a hot car – so definitely don’t leave your dog in one. If it can be avoided, leave your dog at home. And if it can’t, make sure to take your dog with you when you get out of the car, even if it’s only going to be for five minutes.

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6 thoughts on “Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

  1. A lot of these are just common sense (which I know is sadly lacking in some folks) but it all depends on the dog. Besides that, being the incredibly intuitive and sensitive creatures that they are, they will adapt to how you express affection. Our dogs will lick our faces off if we let them, and we kiss their little heads in return.

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