Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

16. Babying To Them

Babying To Them image source:

Dogs are not babies. It’s cute to call them “fur babies” and do some light role playing, but this is something you should never forget. One thing you should avoid doing is stuffing your dog in a stroller and pushing it around.

Dogs need to exercise their legs and their noses while exploring their environment; a stroller defeats the main reasons for taking your dog out for a walk. Only use a stroller if your dog is physically incapable of walking or too tired from their earlier walk.

You should also avoid cradling a dog a dog like a baby, remember that humans and dogs have different bodies and therefore need to be handled differently.

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6 thoughts on “Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

  1. A lot of these are just common sense (which I know is sadly lacking in some folks) but it all depends on the dog. Besides that, being the incredibly intuitive and sensitive creatures that they are, they will adapt to how you express affection. Our dogs will lick our faces off if we let them, and we kiss their little heads in return.

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