Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

22. Rushing Their Potty Breaks

Rushing Their Potty Breaks image source:

No one likes to be rushed while they’re pooping. That’s just common sense. Take a minute to consider how you feel when you’re on the toilet, and someone starts banging on the door and telling you to hurry. Does it make things any easier? Dogs feel similar levels of stress when you try and rush their business.

It doesn’t help that dogs are more instinctual, they are still driven by the instincts that helped them to survive in the wild. An animal is at their most vulnerable when nature calls, which is why dogs may look to you, their pack leader, for assurance. They are nervous and want to feel safe.

They can’t feel secure if you are trying to force them to hurry up such a private process. It’s no fun to be out in the cold waiting for your dog to finish, but if you want your dog to be as happy and comfortable as possible, you need to let it take its time.

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6 thoughts on “Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

  1. A lot of these are just common sense (which I know is sadly lacking in some folks) but it all depends on the dog. Besides that, being the incredibly intuitive and sensitive creatures that they are, they will adapt to how you express affection. Our dogs will lick our faces off if we let them, and we kiss their little heads in return.

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