Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

28. Taking Them On Car Rides

Taking Them On Car Rides image source:

Now granted, some dogs absolutely live for the excitement of a car ride. This isn’t a universal hatred among all dogs. You have to be aware of your dog’s personality, and whether or not they become anxious when put in the car. If they do, your dog is not the type to enjoy a car ride, and it should be done as little as possible.

Even if you want to take your dog to the beach, the ride there might stress them out so that the actual trip isn’t enjoyable for them. Be in tune with your dogs behavior, and how being in the car makes them feel. Not all dogs enjoy the big metal box that goes zooming through the air!

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6 thoughts on “Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

  1. A lot of these are just common sense (which I know is sadly lacking in some folks) but it all depends on the dog. Besides that, being the incredibly intuitive and sensitive creatures that they are, they will adapt to how you express affection. Our dogs will lick our faces off if we let them, and we kiss their little heads in return.

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