Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

13. Focusing On Words Rather Than Body Language

Focusing On Words Rather Than Body Language image source:

The biggest mistake people make with dogs is assuming that they think life humans. Dogs are animals; their brains aren’t like ours. We may share some commonalities, but language certainly isn’t one of them. Dogs don’t understand speech the way that even pre-verbal human infants do.

Dogs may not be genetically hard-wired to understand words, but they do naturally understand body language, gestures, and even tones. With dogs, it’s not so much what you say but how you say it.

To be clear, dogs don’t hate it when you talk to them, but they do hate it when you get frustrated by the fact that they don’t understand human words. They want to understand. They simply lack the necessary tools to make sense of your words.

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6 thoughts on “Things You MUST Stop Doing To Your Dog

  1. A lot of these are just common sense (which I know is sadly lacking in some folks) but it all depends on the dog. Besides that, being the incredibly intuitive and sensitive creatures that they are, they will adapt to how you express affection. Our dogs will lick our faces off if we let them, and we kiss their little heads in return.

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