15 Funniest Struggles Only Dog Owners Will Truly Understand

We all love our dogs, but sometimes our dogs can be a bit confusing and annoying to us.

For example, they love to get wet in the rain but hate getting a bath.

I’m always utterly confused by this fact.

I’m sure that all of the dog owners on here have experienced this as well the other struggles of owning a dog.

The images to follow compiled by the awesome peeps at JustSomething.co portray some of the many struggles a dog owner faces on a daily basis.

If you are a dog owner yourself, you will be laughing out loud as you can see yourself in a lot of the following situations!

Check out the 15 Funniest Struggles Only Dog Owners Will Truly Understand on the next page:

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128 thoughts on “15 Funniest Struggles Only Dog Owners Will Truly Understand

  1. The bed is definitely theirs. Got up to put the alarm on snooze puppy was in my spot when I turned around.. Not moving had to slide between her and wife to get 10 more minutes

  2. Anywhere is Diesel’s spot. He’s pretty big and a huge softie. Many times I have teetered on the edge of the bed not wanting to wake him up. Some would say I’m bonkers but I love my boy so much and he loves me x

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