22 Signs Your Dog Is Truly Happy

#1 – Relaxed Eyes

Happy dogs have relaxed eyes and eyelids. They blink often and their gaze is soft, says Beth Mullen, director of behavior and training at Washington Humane Society.

Narrowed eyes and a hard gaze can indicate aggression, she says, while wide eyes, particularly if they whites are showing, could mean the dog is frightened.

According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), “When your dog is relaxed and happy, his eyes will be their normal shape.”

Pay attention to the way your dog’s eyes look when doing different activities or during different times of the day. You’ll start noticing the differences and will be able to read your dog’s mood better. (www.aspca.org)


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9 thoughts on “22 Signs Your Dog Is Truly Happy

  1. They couldn’t put this on one or maybe two pages? Instead of dragging it through all those pages, I could not read them all got to mundane going to next then next page.

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