Beagles are wonderful family dogs. They are loving and affectionate, they are great with kids, and they are real cuddlers.
There is nothing better than having a Beagle jump up on your lap, give you a kiss, and curl up for a nap under your arm.
They are silly, playful, cute, loving, soft-hearted dogs that will steal your heart.
They are a sensitive breed that feels your pain, laughs when you laugh, and snuggles when you cry.
Sometimes they will just do the funniest things and will find joy in the simplest of toys. An empty cardboard box can provide hours of fun for a beagle.
If you are considering to own a beagle, or you’ve just become a new beagle owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.
Check out the twelve realities new beagle owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a beagle owner, see if you can relate!
Bekah Fryer
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Oh that’s so so cute! We’re gonna have so many cuddles and naps!
Cindi Klimasara-Price
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Oh so true, we have 2 Beagles and they are our joy in life! <3
Beverly Pennington
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Ihad one that has died n now have one. They sre the best dogs. They love being spoiled.they are bed hogs. I’ve ended up kn couch many nights. They love to lay in the bed.
Dayl Cross Glover
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I have one 3.5mths old,walks on the lead,loves his walks,sits and stays when told,i also have two toy poodles and two cats,my beagle loves the cats,they play for hours,but in saying all that,he can also can be very stubborn,
Mary Barton
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Be prepared for broken nights’ sleep, as they come home when it suits. A warped sense of humor also helps!!
Alison Dice
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So very true!!
Elke Hauge
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That is just so very true !
TC Nılay Gokacti Aydinalp
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Nancy Wardle Valley
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Ray Wardle
Mike Stock
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Claire Blackhall
Tino Poblete
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Nancy Marcelino
Andrea Díaz
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Rómulo Zuzunaga ♥♥♥
Christine Solomon
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yes they are, but what a personality
Ratan Immanuel
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Samuel Nitin Stephen Stephen Sudhakar:every single thing!!!!!:D:D
Andrea Díaz
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My son oknooo
Bonnie Wisterman
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Sounds like baby!
David G Thrasher Sr
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You forgt that they are runners. You may have to go to the dog pound and retrieve them !
Ray Staley
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fine looking beaegl
Sherrie Bornhorst
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I’ve 3 beagles and all of this is so true!
Steven Morrow
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Maude Fournier
Helen Taylor
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Luke…. sound familiar?
William Russell
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Gemma Russell
Ryan Hayes
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Shelley Renee
Scorp Joan
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Every one is nothing but the truth! I have 2 of them and I could see them in most of the pictures, they don’t sit at my dinner table..
Njiske Hoekstra
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Jeroen de Poel
Sovira Chhum
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Jarrod Harvey
Jennifer Harrell Burch
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All so very true!!
Robert Wyatt
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I love my hyper-handicap Blue Tick Beagle Sugarbugger !
Marian Tonigold
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Nr. 8 is kela haha
Stephen Frazier
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Beagles are da bomb!
Ali Mellows
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Marc Mellows
Rosie Dadabo
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Daniel Cominotto
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Belinda Lodge
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Jason Hirt
Juanita Santamaria
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Andres Fadul
Kat Huffman Whitacre
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We just lost our 12 yr old Belle Buckeye to liver cancer.. I have a knife in my heart. 🙁
Michele Farmer
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So sorry for your loss prayers to keep you going strong but you will get through it
Lisa Fajardo
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So sad to hear your loss…her memories will always be there for you to cherish.
Kat Huffman Whitacre
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Thank you Lisa.. I miss her so much..
Lisa Fajardo
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Kat Huffman Whitacre i knew how it feels that’s why it took me 25 years before i decided to have another dog and now i have my clarky boy that’s what i fear now…losing him.
Kat Huffman Whitacre
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I know.. it’s such love and such fear.. hug him for me.. 🙂
Katrin Dombrowsky
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Helen Dombrowsky Daniel Raaf
Marina De Peinder
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Ja ha ha , die is echt lachen hé ?
Zo herkenbaar
Julie Eddleston-Dike
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So so true
Erika Uden Möller
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Jacob Uden-Möller
Jacob Uden-Möller
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Läste att deras päls sätter sig ordentligt på kläderna så lär ju va lika i soffan! Å sängen är det aldrig aldrig inte äns nästan
Laurence Castello
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Yes true !
Wil Hoite
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Mitzi Mitzi Willhoite
Nicole Morphett
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Mary-anne Kimberley
Jason Goodlavage
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Marcell Drake