Beagles are wonderful family dogs. They are loving and affectionate, they are great with kids, and they are real cuddlers.
There is nothing better than having a Beagle jump up on your lap, give you a kiss, and curl up for a nap under your arm.
They are silly, playful, cute, loving, soft-hearted dogs that will steal your heart.
They are a sensitive breed that feels your pain, laughs when you laugh, and snuggles when you cry.
Sometimes they will just do the funniest things and will find joy in the simplest of toys. An empty cardboard box can provide hours of fun for a beagle.
If you are considering to own a beagle, or you’ve just become a new beagle owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.
Check out the twelve realities new beagle owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a beagle owner, see if you can relate!
Taj Lee
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Told you it wasn’t my bed
Allison Lee
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You need to take it back!!!!
Taj Lee
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Taj Lee
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I did last night
Anne Bobchick
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Oh boy do I know#9!
Chris Fox
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All true. My baby is awesome.
Stephanie Miller
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Absolutely! Every one of them!
Jim Covolo
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So true everyday in my house
Amy Thompson
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Simon Thompson all very true
Julie Eddleston-Dike
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So true but I would not be without mine he is wonderful
Stephanie Davis Carpenter
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It’s such a hound thing!
Carolina Elizabeth Diaz Montecinos
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Ana Luisa Fuentes Abril Cristal Orellana Rojas
Ana Luisa Fuentes
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Tal cual !
Lexus Kline
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Misty Kline so true
Victoria Langley Brewer
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Jason Langley
Susan Beesley
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Beagles are an interesting breed. Their little quirks can be endearing. They’re a little naughty and mischievous. But oh my! I do love these little dogs! I’ve had three beagles. And loved them dearly!
Richard Basen
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For even more fun.. try a beagle Lab mix… we have a 68 lb beagle now.. ..
Mandie Bradley
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I wish number 12 were true. My 7 year old beagle hates my 2 year old. I think he’s just too old to deal with kids. I do wish they were close though. We’re thinking about getting a second dog to play with the kids to hopefully alleviate some stress off our beagle.
Kerrie Cargill
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So true!
Jo Nucifora
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Angela Nucifora
Chris Callant
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Sylvie van Puyenbroeck
Brandon Nye
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Amy Doutrich Nye
Raoul Smeets
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Manuela Smeets Breuls, Mell Smeets en Lin Smeets.
Sagar Sharma
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Shraddha Sharma
Gina Kerrod
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Most definitely!
James O'Brien
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Chantal O’Brien
Natascha Hoenholt
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Apcm Roosendaal
Rita Evans Barnes
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Kirsty Styles ❤️
Kirsty Styles
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So true x
Jade Davis
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Sarah Rex Carle
Sarah Rex Carle
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I relate to all of those 🙂
Jade Davis
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Yep I sure can too
Jason Lee Branco
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Sara Marie Lopes
Sara Marie Lopes
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Lets get another
Jason Lee Branco
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Sara Marie Lopes no way
Rhian Thomas
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Leigh Jones it says about the crazy eyes lol
Catherine Dolly
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Simon James Steven Adams
Megan Dalmazzo
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Daniel Dalmazzo
Daniel Dalmazzo
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