Dogs come in more shapes and sizes than any other species on the planet. And pugs are no exception!!
These unreal pics of pug crossbreeds might shock you at first, but they are REAL.
But one things for sure… I don’t really care what they are I just want to hug them.
Check out the Unreal Pug Cross Breeds pics you have to see to believe on the next page!
Joseph James Howard
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Jessie Artlett
Gemma Price
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Alex Swain
Leanne Fehlberg
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Paula Jupp next pup the last one.!!
Lorraine Mooney
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Yorkie, Beagle and Boston are the prettiest, I think.
Jerri Weaver
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Ugly dogs….. except the Boston/pug.
Jim Looper
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Cross breeding = mutts.
Melissa Johnson Keating
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The Bugg is cute. I ❤️ my Boston
Joshua Allen Marshall
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Krissy Faith Adkins
Luke Chalmers
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Kayleigh Cowley
Scott Calam
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Rachel Calam Sarah Calam
Kristeen Carpenter
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They all are sooo cute !
Rachel Calam
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Some of them are cute but some look just dead weird!
Cornelia Spicky
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Jessica Karlzzon
Lizzy Davis
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Austin Wyer
Nadine Taylor
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Cherree Hogan
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STOP CROSS BREEDING…. They’re mutts!!!!!
Tane M Crescentino
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Alanah Crescentino
Connor Crescentino
The bugg is too cute
Linda Robb
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Michael Leblanc
Thomas Howell
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Lauren Harris
Simone Harrison
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Kayleigh Harrison ours are on there xx
Jackie Bell
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Natalie Bell
Brittany Lynn
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Michelle Citarella
Jeannette Rasko
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Lili Rasko Lovisa Rasko Nguyen kolla in dessa, speciellt nummer 3,7 och 10
Scott Calam
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I said the same about these two
Kevin Tunsil
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Jacqueline Hutchins
Jason Foster
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Evette Victoria bugg is the best
Seamus Curley
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Jane Black
Margie Fourie
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People I’d think you’d be a bit smarter????????
Astrid Wilkens
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Bo Wilkens
Lisa Brown
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Kenneth Brown Alexandra Stadig Emmie Freedman
Dixie Lee
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Brendon Vertefeuille
Olivia Woods
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Lina Lopez Aurora Lopez check out this list! All pretty cute, all surprising
Beth Bykowski Platten
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And some dumb$#%&!@*will pay a fortune for it!
Mark Edward
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MakinIthappn Cuzican
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Tamara Olsen
Mark Disher
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I have a Bugg… around 7 years old (he was a rescue so not totally sure)
Gary Howson
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Holly Innes
Ashley Carriera
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Teri Corbo
Toni Trucco
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How about a Jug? = Jack Russell +
Karri-Ann Woofers Szczecinski
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Georgia Norton
Georgia Norton
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We need a pug farm hahaah
Karri-Ann Woofers Szczecinski
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I want the boxer one hahaha
Carley Moe Sullivan
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Katie Cascone
Stacia Haskins
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Nikki Gefaell
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Georgie Gefail
Valarie Weaver
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I have a pug and mini-aussie. Best dog ever!
Charley Allen
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I agree they should of included jugs
Charley Allen
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I have a pug cross jack Russell = jug
And also a pug cross poodle.
Schnea Richardson
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Zoey the chug
Dominik Chrapek
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No,that is so wrong!