Erick Scott, a veteran who served in Iraq, knows first-hand what it’s like to suffer from PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder – a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or seeing a terrifying event).
PTSD is also sometimes known as shell shock or combat stress, occurs after experiencing severe trauma or a life-threatening event.
For all too many veterans, it's hard to readjust to life out of the military or getting haunted by unpleasant memories and experiences. Erick was no exception.
To help him combat his anxiety, he was paired with a special service dog, Gumbo. Gumbo's main role was to notify him when he started showing symptoms of PTSD.
Watch the video on the next page to see Gumbo's amazing reaction when Scott gets agitated on camera during an interview. This is incredibly touching to see.
Marcel Raymond
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Romy Michaud
Romy Michaud
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Wowww merci de mavoir tagguer 🙂
Chelsea Chambers
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June Conley
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Thank you for your service!
Kyle Comer
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Ashley Gracie
Heather Radcliffe
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Christian Joseph
Susan Edwards
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Steve Johnson
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Dogs!!!!! #1
Sandra Grishaber
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At first glance, this looks like it could be you, Mark Henningfeld
Mark Henningfeld
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Who knows all the bad stuff I have seen in the fire service I may need one . You never forget what you see , you just need to figure out how to deal with it every day and go on
Sandra Grishaber
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Mark Henningfeld thanks for your service along with all your brothers and sisters, and your families that wait and worry while you put yourselves in harms way for others, it isn’t unnoticed ❤️
Kelly Salata Trim
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This is truly inspiring! #ptsd
Mark Henningfeld
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Thanks for your help fixing those gas lines
Marco Raquel Openshaw
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Kayla Openshaw what a great dog
Pauline McEwan
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That was so lovely and glad the dog is helping him. I’m not a veteran but I do have mental health problems and my black lab comes straight to me if I’m having a bad moment, love to all dogs <3 x
Thomas Burns
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Brittany Mecca
Kate Peacock
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These dogs are amazing
Kathie Volk
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I love those dogs, sir. Thank you for your service
Susan Soules
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God bless you! Thank you for your services.
Henry St Germain
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God Bless you Sir and Thank you for your service and I’m real glad they gave you a service canine. Canines will service your needs !
Marilyn Davis
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dogs are very in touch with people,,he is trained for it some have never been trained but they can sence something is not right.. Hope more can get these wonderful dogs
Richard Littrell
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I. Like. Jackie
Kathy Farag
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Bless you!
Patty Bentley
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So impressive!
Mike West
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Love it! My dog settles my anxiety too.
Travis Dempsey
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Erica Dempsey
Daniel Garcia
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It’s heartbreaking that men who have given their all for this nation, still don’t get the help they need.
Сhihuahua Beds
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Wonders never cease
Louise Austin
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Why does the dog have a prong collar on? Bizarre!
Denise Kelsoe Smith
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Bless the K9’s for Warriors…
Linda Watmore
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Patricia Oliveira
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Dog is truly mans best friend.
Chris Low
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Good man Erick and good Gumbo.How can you ever go wrong? Friends indeed
Lauren Maginot
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Vince Caudill
Linda Walden
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The dog knows just what to do
Jill Grieve
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Labs are truly amazing!!!!
Kath Balston
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Wow xx
Linda Vance
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I’m a Military Veteran with PTSD and Major Depression! My Furbabies are my life and the only reason why my feet hit the floor each day! Otherwise I wouldn’t care about anything! Jake, the Fawn knows when I’m stressed out about to have a Panic attack and when I’m severely Depressed! At times I feel like they’d be better off without me and with someone who isn’t such a mess and who can actually leave the house, take them to the park or just the simplest of things! They are so loving, more so than ppl!
Vicky Nehra
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Teresa Golder
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Omg they are so smart . Just have a look how he loves his owner xx it brings tears to your eyes
Jen Bunter
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Amazing good luck sir
Robert Burt
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Great story, but sad!
Donna Adams Meza
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Kudos to this soldier and his K9 best friend. I don’t have PTSD, but I do have two black labs that calm me when I’m upset, or when down and out.
I personally would like to say Thank you for your service, as well as other military men and women. God bless all.
Robert W. Cottrell
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I’ve seen comments saying the number of PTSD cased for Iraq and Afghanistan is too high to be credible
Not so. Some of these soldiers did 3-5 stints in those arenas. There was no rear area. They were in harm’s way 24/7 the entire time they were in country. That any of those soldiers are functional is a miracle.
That deserve better than Congress has done to treat them. At a time when tens of thousands of them needed a concerted effort by their countru to help them, Congress cut VA funding more than once. None of them should be homeless.
The treatment of these veterans is a national disgrace. This veteran is one of the lucky ones, but no thanks to those who were elected to see that it was done.
Katie Bristow
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Bless you young man.
Pamela Forster
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Eric Fisher
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dogs are amazing, I wish I had the time or the money and the knowledge to train these dogs to do this important jobs for these vets. It’s amazing how these dogs can change someone’s life for the better!!
S Howard Smith
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Dorothy Mason
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So real
Irene Reid
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These dogs are wonderful. Most are smarter than many humans.