Dozer is just discovering farts and he is not so sure if he likes them, no matter where they are coming from. I can’t really blame him… can you? LOL Check out the video below:
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Dozer is just discovering farts and he is not so sure if he likes them, no matter where they are coming from. I can’t really blame him… can you? LOL Check out the video below:
Dorothy Clark
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We have had Boxers sense 1981, and really nothing they do surprises me.But this one was a surprise. They are such sweet loving dog, we have had 3 girl with the reverse brindle, a fawn and a regular brindle. Two of our males were brindle and the one we have now is fawn. the ones we have now are rescue dogs. I love most all dogs and cats but I don’t think we will have more after these are gone. We are both getting up in years and 2 big dogs with a lot of energy is a lot for us to keep up with. they surely are sweet babies.
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Stop teasing this poor dog, it is very unkind.
Graham Thordarson
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Do they sense any other years or just 1981? Can they sense the future or just the past?
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bella boxer… not afraid of farts… in fact she just didn’t seem to care lol. Oh boxers!
Doug Bethea
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This is not normal and needs to be addressed!
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Graham you must enjoy being an a*s wipe.
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Don’t be such a bore
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He he he
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Uh, where’d the video go?
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silly film but I love the rug…..
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The only BUTT into his lame video, is the weird chick making the noises that thinks she is getting one over on a boxer puppy….it’s a bit sad actually.
I do wish her the best in finding a partner, and/or the help that she obviously needs!
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yeah this too! lol
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He is just a baby, she is just playing with him. She obviously loves him, hence the kisses. Always someone who has negative feedback.
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quit feeding him that cheap crap dog food idiot!
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clean your house its dirty…
Leandra Wilson
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My late Doxie, Candie was terrified of farts–her own plus anyone else’s. Sweet memory.
Kelly Bates
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Tracey Bates Clive Bates
Sylvia Grisham
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Athena sure wasn’t !
Kevin Thompson
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Garfield Adkins Lora Adkins Debra Brewer Thompson Cathy Davis Loveday Sara Peeples
Sara Peeples
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Too funny !
Lora Adkins
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Bahahaha! Boxers are the best!
Jeremy Mouser
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Jason Delp
Rick Stewart
Kyrsta Bellue
Devan Bellue
Rick Stewart
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No way! And I haven’t even watched it
Kyrsta Bellue
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That’s funny.. Our other boxer now my dad’s dog is named Dozer. Lol..
Charleen Conley Wingerter
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aww!! so sweet!
Jeremy Mouser
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I know data Kyrsta…lol 😛
Leslie Wiktorski
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Just too funny
Michelle Haskins
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that’s so funny