His Dog Died Of Cancer 2 Weeks Ago. The House Cat’s Reaction Was Heartbreaking.

These series of pics and story will break your heart. How can people question the fact that animals feel and show love? Animals always feel the loss; thankfully, the human here in the video was lovingly responsive.

The love of an animal. …….enough said.

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23 thoughts on “His Dog Died Of Cancer 2 Weeks Ago. The House Cat’s Reaction Was Heartbreaking.

  1. Tears… I’ve always had a dog in my life since birth and have considered myself a dog person. After reading this, my heart and mind have been opened to loving a cat. Now, what breed to save=adopt? I have a 10 year old australian shepherd and a 13 year old pug who is”special needs”. I would like a flat faced looking cat, similar to my pug. Suggestions welcomed!!!

  2. Hi Vieanna. It’s lovely that you want to adopt a cat but I would think carefully about it, especially as you have an older pug. Pugs’ eyes are very prone to cat scratches, and you may find yourself at the vet more often than you’d like – especially in the ‘getting to know you’ phase. If you do decide to go ahead, and you want a flat faced cat, I’d go for a Birman. They are really beautiful and good natured. Persians have flatter faces but they can be a bit selfish and pernickety. My personal very is that the best cats are the ordinary moggies. Ginger or ginger and white are the most sweet loving cats ever.

  3. I firmly believe animals need to see that their beloved dog/cat friend didn’t just vanish. When our dog died, we took his best buddy, the cat, out to see his body in its coffin. After we put the cover on and buried him, his loyal friend spent his days lying on top of his grave. He would only come back into the house in the evening when we went to get him.

  4. First, I am sorry for your loss. I lost my dog Casey to cancer about 7 years ago and I can still cry for her. My cat Bailey was devastated when we lost her (they were inseparable like your babies). He wouldn’t eat and ran to the door every time he heard a dog. He even carried her ratty nasty toy around in his mouth and slept on it constantly for about a year. A week ago, I had to let my sweet Bailey go after 21 years and in his final moments I told him to say hi to Casey for us though really wanted to tell him to stay.

    Thanks for reminding me of how magical their friendship was. I actually feel a bit better knowing they are together like they always were.

  5. I am a big guy…fearless in most cases and feel like a tough guy at times…!! But upon reading your story and seeing those pictures..I broke down in tears like a big Baby instead….!! You are a Sweet and Gentle soul for easing that kittys pain…even though your own heart is broken over the loss of that sweet and wonderful dog…!! I hope and Pray for you both to mend your broken hearts since time can only heal those wounds…!!please be strong and take care of that sweet cat…she needs you more than ever now…!! P.S. I wish I knew your Doggies name….!! Thank you and God bless you both..!.

  6. My beautiful 90 lb. golden retriever lab left us in August 2008.. while I was out of town. He spared me the ultimate agony… his vet of 15 years .. who actually agreed with me that he was probably the world’s best dog.. said goodby for me. I miss him every single day of my life…. he actually helped me raise my children…. if I raised my voice.. he would lift up his big head, look right at me and raise one eyebrow as if to say ” what are you doing shouting at our children….” See you on the Rainbow Bridge, Sunny.

  7. Our cat loved her dog buddy also; she’d chase him, he’d chase her, etc, etc, etc. When the dog got cancer and wasn’t as active, she was still there. As he was dying, she was there til it was over. Then when the cat got old, faded away etc, she laid in the dog house where she had lain with her buddy, only now she was alone.I’m thankful for the time they had together and the time we had with them.

  8. Flat faced cats usually have trouble breathing. Persian and Himalayan
    cats usually have rather flat faces. Don’t forget to check out the shelters where there are so many homeless cats yearning for a home of their own.
    Good luck in your search!

  9. My dog died in October last year, and my cat was beside himself with grief , no food or water just laying in the dog bed with her collar, my second cat also pinned but only for a week or so. On a positive note the two cats are now friends and sleep in the dogs bed 1 cat is nearly 16 and the other 14

  10. Goes to show you just how real our pets emotions and feelings are compared to ours. I know yall both miss your big guy, but looks like yall are helping each other heal and helping each other remember and honor your big guy.

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