12 Realities New Beagle Owners Must Accept

Beagles are wonderful family dogs. They are loving and affectionate, they are great with kids, and they are real cuddlers.

beagle 7There is nothing better than having a Beagle jump up on your lap, give you a kiss, and curl up for a nap under your arm.

They are silly, playful, cute, loving, soft-hearted dogs that will steal your heart.

They are a sensitive breed that feels your pain, laughs when you laugh, and snuggles when you cry.

Sometimes they will just do the funniest things and will find joy in the simplest of toys.  An empty cardboard box can provide hours of fun for a beagle.

If you are considering to own a beagle, or you’ve just become a new beagle owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.

Check out the twelve realities new beagle owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a beagle owner, see if you can relate!

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789 thoughts on “12 Realities New Beagle Owners Must Accept

  1. We have a beagle and a sheltie the beagle is the worst dog we ever have had I don’t get it gave Homs good home treat him
    Good feed him good and what did we get a dog that does not bark he screams and he will destroy any thing that’s not nailed down will NEVER get another beagle

  2. Lindsey Wells tried to train him
    But it does not work the last vet visit we were told to wait out side as the noise he makes the noise he makes will wake up the dead I have s list a mile long on the stuff he destroyed on this house and the part that sucks I rescued him as he was going to be used for medical research

  3. Koann Eicher he gets along great with my sheltie they play together
    It’s the screaming I think is the worst destroying my wife’s shoes climbing in to the trash can
    Knocking over the clothes hamper and ripping clothes And the list goes on I walk him every day he is now three years old and is not a puppy of all the dogs I have ever had this beagle is the worst like I said I saved his life and give him a good home

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