As a responsible dog owner, it's critical to know what you can and can't feed your dog. Is it enough to just stick with a decent doggy diet?
Nope. There's a ton of foods you probably didn't know about that can actually be really bad for your dog, including some that are perfectly healthy for humans.
There's nothing worse than having your dog suffer over a simple mistake in diet. While they're still man's best friend, they probably shouldn't eat like your best friend.
To see the detailed list of ‘The 12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog’, including what chemicals these foods contain what they can do, go to the next page:
Michael Kennedy
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Juliet loves MacDonald’s cheese burgers.
Ashleigh Nolan
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Pauline Nolan Richard Nolan noted!
Stephanie Went
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Leah Winder
Kerrie Matthews
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AJ Matthews cheese!
Bobby Pajic
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Livia Maio Adriano Maio
Kelly Rios
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s**t my gsd ate an apple core LAST NIGHT !
Lu Rodriguez Dávila
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Cosas que le hacen mal a nuestros perritos.
Faride Rastegar
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Ramin Rastegar Monica Espinoza Rosas nada de palta, pan, chocolate, cebolla, ajo
Jp Zuehlsdorff
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Mandy Zuehlsdorff
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Janine Scudds
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No fruit loaf lol
Baylee Harding
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Jon Jon Harding
Benjamin James Martin
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Marcus Macdougall
Cynthia Nabhan
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Thais Nabhan…
Sandra Richter
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Takes forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!to find out a waste of time
Stephen Moore
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They think I’m going to click on 12 different pages fullof click bait just so it makes the website look like it got a lot of skewed views ? Pathetic. I’ll google and find elsewhere.
Rose Monteforte Steve
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Maan Zouheiry
Ludmila Kholomeizer
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Sylvia Bylvia
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For information like this, it’s cruel to have people click through the each item! #clickbate
So here is the list.
1. Bacon- fat causes pancreatic failure
2. Apple core
3. Grapes
4. Yeast dough
5. Onion
6. Garlic
7. Coffee
8. Cheese
9. Milk
10. Avocado
11. Macadamia nuts
Tracye Hughes
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Joybell Hughes
Karen Johnston
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Debbie Freeman
Eddie Davis
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Yeast Dough
Apple cores
June Fagan
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Our Harry would have had this then gone into hiding
Sylvie White
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Didn’t know about apple core or cheese!!
Kathy Bangel
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Brit Brit Bangel bacon!!!
Dominique Lievens
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Roy Kooijman
Baz Lenton Leaver
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Julia Ehmig
Jennifer Wharton-owen
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Janet Wharton #7 especially
Grace Matthews
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Jenae Weston
Jenae Weston
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Ooo very interesting
Lorna Underwood
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Letitia Underwood
Sipho Salmo
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Lauren Hobbs
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Nina K. Boaz-Sweeten
Jessica Holdstock
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Anthony Holdstock
Maverick Vranken
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Margriet Swinkels
Con Rosales
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Shedya Manz
Tamara Read
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Gina Mu
Margie Kemmerer
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Julz Buzz
Richard Buie
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My Sammi does get a little of my food… can you resist those brown eyes? I am very careful of what she gets though!
Stefanie Marie Swanson
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Roy Swanson
Lisa Michelle Williams
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Joe Howarth
Gina Mu
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Corn is a no no !
Ryan Tiffany
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James Tiffany Valerie Tiffany Austen Tiffany
Devin Daniels
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Rachel Marie look at those faces Kitty Marie Crowley
Jessica Cranston
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Thank you!
Morgan Seaton
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Benn Tully Mary H Tully Chris Thompson
Gary White
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why do they make bacon dog treats and put garlic in dog food ?
Lauren Bishop-Bailey
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Jillian Rachael
Joe Howarth
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Heather Carlyon Howarth
Gemma Mckelvey
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Mollie Rankin Fiona Rankin Laura Simms