Does Your Dog Suffer From Separation Anxiety?

Separation anxiety can come in many forms. When left alone, a dog with separation anxiety may bar, chew, salivate, urinate, defecate, dig or become overly active.

Although we tend to deal each of these problems individually, they are actually symptomatic of a larger problem: fear of being left alone.

Check out what the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has to say about separation anxiety in dogs on the next page:

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130 thoughts on “Does Your Dog Suffer From Separation Anxiety?

  1. My boy Oscar suffers badly from separation anxiety when he is
    Left at home or I go away he gets the runs off his food goes round and round constantly

  2. I am NEVER away from my dog for more than 3-4 hours at a time, and that only happens about once a month. So, no, she doesn’t have anxiety because she knows I will be back very soon. She still greets me as though I just returned from a long trip though. Boxers are the BEST!

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