Chihuahuas are comical, entertaining, and loyal little dogs, absolutely brimming with personality – often a quirky and eccentric personality unmatched by any other breed.
With its big eyes, big ears, and bigger-than-life attitude, the Chihuahua is the epitome of cocky canine in a petite package.
This pint-sized pooch is master of his universe and fears nothing, characteristics that make him a most suitable pet for some people and the worst possible choice for others.
Well, whatever the case may be, there are reasons to believe that Chihuahuas are actually the worst indoor dog breed EVER!
Check out the 14 reasons why Chihuahuas are actually the worst indoor dog breed of all time on the next page!
Laura Crnkovich Anderson
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You will never get a better breed than a chihuahua. They are small. Don’t take up much space. Don’t make huge messes and they are faithful to their owner. True blue doggies.
Maria Lenzo
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Mine loves my bed she is gorgeous girl!
Aidita Dellaghelfa
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The best dogs caring lovable love them I love my baby boy remy♥️
Denni Yuill
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I love my Chihuahuas and they sleep with my husband and I. I don’t care what anybody says. They are my babies!!
RichardandJoellen Edwards
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Convinced : all reasons I love my chi!!!
Sharon L Rowles
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Looks like my Chico
Beverly Snoga
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No, i love them
Alysia Parker
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I think the angry faces need to read the article. Lol
Jane Morris
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they are lovely inside dogs mine is its all in how you treat and raise them
Diana Seeberger Baldwin
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No they aren’t
Deborah Irvin
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This is tongue-in-cheek, folks. The writers mean the opposite of what they’ve written. Love my baby, Honey. She is the sweetest, dog, and chihuahua.
Kristi Hanson
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Yes I love ❤️ my babies! That’s them watching my every move & I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Mabel Marquez Pairot
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Love Chihuahuas!
Sandy Hill Cotton
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They are absolutely the BEST little doggies. That’s all I would have.
Carrie Lane
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Nope, all 3 of mine are my fur babies. They are the best.
Helen Jean Parker
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Love these little doggies