Separation anxiety can come in many forms. When left alone, a dog with separation anxiety may bar, chew, salivate, urinate, defecate, dig or become overly active.
Although we tend to deal each of these problems individually, they are actually symptomatic of a larger problem: fear of being left alone.
Check out what the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has to say about separation anxiety in dogs on the next page:
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Pages: 1 2
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My boy Oscar suffers badly from separation anxiety when he is
Left at home or I go away he gets the runs off his food goes round and round constantly
Lori McLeod Dykes
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Yes, i have a spoiled little brat chi..
Chad Oliver
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Lisa Melfi
Chris Maietta
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Sarah Hess Maietta
Louise Roberts
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Ruby Roberts this is peppa.xx
Amber Allen
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Justin Craig Allen…..bahahahaha…. Somebody we know!
Craig Newman
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Dominique Newman
Nicole Pope
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Gary Murchland
Mike Gasmann
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They are so social and interactive they need either another dog or to be with their owners ….. i
Michaela Stares
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Michelle Buitenhuis
Nicholas Buswell
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Jennifer Helms reminds me of sadness
Larry Frank George
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Aly Sands George
Jennifer Helms
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I’m sure this is what she was going through when we went to Alaska. We are never going on vacation again!!!
Tiphany Lewis
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Erica Lewis
Jacquie Piscitello- Caldwell
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Stacey Borelli
Stacey Borelli
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Damn dog he needs a friend
Jacquie Piscitello- Caldwell
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Another added to the Borelli Sundberg zoo
Tony Hill
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Rob Herndon
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Julie Baldassare Herndon
Julie Baldassare Herndon
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Beth Matyas Wolfmayer
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Kristy Wolfmayer
Karen Mattingly
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Erin Mattingly
Leann Rose
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Yes he does
Karen MacLeish
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He does, he ripped up my sheets and a wooden duck I have had for a long time. He is 8 years old, hmm.
Ashley Knutson
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Kris Sanders
Ashley Knutson
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We have 2 other dogs, his size, around his age, and he still freaks out. 2 recliners, 1 couch, and a few shoes.we can be gone 30 min.
Regina Endress
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Yes !! Ugh I was hoping he would get better! O well she’s so darn cute
Kerri Kuczynski
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Ours did because I went back to work. So now she is crated… she has blankets and toys with her. The tv on as well. She is much much better and my house is safe again.
Michele McGowan Norrod
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Ann Rendler
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Eduardo Cruz III
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Gloria Rollins Cruz
Kurtis Shortman
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Helen Shortman
Torres Viviann
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Carmina Landa Villarreal
David Block
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Kasey Stack
Kasey Stack
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Shouldn’t you be working??
David Block
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I am!! Im waiting in line to get loaded!
Israel Wright
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Jake Hoerauf
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Emilee Fay Hoerauf
Shannon Crossley
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Alyx Moothart…Char!!
Christa Borowik DeMars
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My Dino does!
Adam Gilmour
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Lisa Jacques
Kristian Aas
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No, but I do.
Scott Wm Simpson
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I am NEVER away from my dog for more than 3-4 hours at a time, and that only happens about once a month. So, no, she doesn’t have anxiety because she knows I will be back very soon. She still greets me as though I just returned from a long trip though. Boxers are the BEST!
Charlotte Louise
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Nick Chandler
Amber Marie
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Chris Berg
Christina Sears
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Thresa Sears
Christina Sears
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Thresa Sears
Debbie Singleton
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Steven Jeppesen Freya Jeppesen
Lima Echo
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Sian Woodland
Danny Campbell
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Amanda Campbell Spence