They may be a tad dangerous, but it's hard not to have a good time while bouncing around on a trampoline.
Who loves to bounce? Bella, that's who.
The clearly excited Rottweiler may very well be the bounciest dog around, and she's not ashamed to show it.
Here she is now on what, in her opinion probably, is easily the best invention ever created — this incredible bouncy thing.
Check out Bella the Rottweiler, who loves nothing more than to jump around on her trampoline (despite the hilarious look of guilt toward the end of the video) on the next page!
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Fred Hume
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I love my Rottie too.
Jody Illenz
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Troy Jackson
Craig Fearnley
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Carol Newnes
Kim Ross
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Bianca Ross remind you of anyone
Jennie Stiles
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Mandi Brooker, I’m sure my dogs would take to a trampoline like this crazy critter
Tom van der Leelie
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And that’s how a Rottie does his cruciate ligament in the back legs. So damn expensive and bad for the dog. 🙁
Paige Mackenzie
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Wayne Miller
Richard Slobodnik
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Danika DeCarlo-Slobodnik
Tommie Matthews
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India MatthewsShannan RobinsonBeau Matthews
Diana Callihan Hawks
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Oh that is to cute!
Toni Guarino
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Ahh..the zoomies
Christopher E Holcombe
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Kiralee Dee
Michele Schilcher Enk
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Cheri Ward you need one of these not a german sheppard….
Cheri Ward
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Oh I would take him/her too!!!
Rainna Elise Coelho
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David Burnett
David Burnett
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Ava used to do that on Eli’s trampoline if I threw her up there lol
Rainna Elise Coelho
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I feel like Roxy would freak the$#%&!@*out lol.
Zeus would probably just lay down and sleep.
David Burnett
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Rainna Elise Coelho well he’s lazy, the girls have some energy still. Hahaha
Rainna Elise Coelho
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He’s getting old :p
Roxy thinks she is still a puppy
David Burnett
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Well he needs to get out of grandpa stage if he’s going to have another go with roxy((: my dad wants a pup by the way for Ava
Rainna Elise Coelho
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Roxy is fixed now! No more puppies over here.
Is Ava with you now or still in Texas?
David Burnett
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She’s with my dad. He won’t give her back…
David Burnett
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Yeahhh he’s attached. I mean that’s all he has that connects us two
Rainna Elise Coelho
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Yeah I get. I just wouldn’t be okay with it personally lol.
David Burnett
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I mean my landlord won’t let me have her here anyways, even though there are othe restricted breeds, but if she’s not ok with it. It’s best she is with him…
Rainna Elise Coelho
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That sucks. As long as she is taken care of and happy though it works out
Nicola Mortimer
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Bear & panda
Nicola Mortimer
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Becky Flower Amanda Flower
Becky Flower
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Deffo bear n panda
Natasha Traynor
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Steve Traynor
Robert Barber
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How’re girl that past away last year age 8
Breeze Evans
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Dec do having fun
Megan McKenna
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Kade McKenna omg it’s flex lol
Dennis Owens
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Lucifer love playing on the trampoline!
Karolina Sledz
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So cute bounce more
Sabrina Ventura Medeiros
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Vanessa Gaudette
Phil Myren
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Something my girl would do
Sarah Wallace
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My rottie is exactly the same! Loves the trampoline!
Dorie Sosa
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Are some good exercises to lose weight and get strong I won’t do it though
Diana Callihan Hawks
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How adorable!
Dan Wirth
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Crazy Rottie’s! Lol, love them
Maria Brisbane
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Oh yes bless it. True clowns of the canine world.
Darlene Case Terry
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My rottie loves the kids trampoline!!! They are so silly and funny. I will never be without atleast one, usually two. But i have a lil old man right now so he just needs his friend for now.
Joan Jones
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Loving it
Corinne Vitch
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I love this dog!!!!
Kirk Robinson
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The look on this dogs face reminds me of my Babe dog really miss her
Lisa Stack
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Awww our Rottie used to love the trampoline – amazing dogs
Red Ruby
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love this !
Tess Dela Rosa
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Bpuncy bouncy
John Moco
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Never met a rottie yet that don’t like a good bounce!!