They may be a tad dangerous, but it's hard not to have a good time while bouncing around on a trampoline.
Who loves to bounce? Bella, that's who.
The clearly excited Rottweiler may very well be the bounciest dog around, and she's not ashamed to show it.
Here she is now on what, in her opinion probably, is easily the best invention ever created — this incredible bouncy thing.
Check out Bella the Rottweiler, who loves nothing more than to jump around on her trampoline (despite the hilarious look of guilt toward the end of the video) on the next page!
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Nick Beever
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Amber Pugh Billy Martin Conner Beever-Spruce
Breeze Evans
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Brilliant really loving it
Greg Dickinson
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Shelley Cox
Patrick Lake
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So funny
Fledermaus Land
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Sport ist für jeden gesund
Simon Ayoub
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Ashlee Smith
Brittany M Holland
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Tiana M. Wilson
Brittany M Holland
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Wasn’t that the cutest!? Love it!
Tiana M. Wilson
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Yes!!! ❤
Aditya Rajput
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Ashlee Alpes
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Tamsin Alpes
Lance Nicholls
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Tasha Leanne
Tasha Leanne
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I’m gna put heaven on ours lol x x
Esther le Conge
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Lorenzo Den Doop
Kyle Trend
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Amanda Walz Bella the Rottweiler treats that tram-op-oline just how Bella the Rottweiler treats my bed
Ronald A Carrender
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clickbait your gone I love Rotties
Fiona Brown
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Jordan Brown Max Brown Davie brown
Marie Koehler
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Careful y don’t fall off sweetie
Kevin Hardman
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Sandra Cannon the boys would love joining this rottie on the trampoline
Sandra Cannon
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Alex would love it!
Karmen Pa Mitja
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Corinne Vitch
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This always cracks me up!! Love this dog!!!
Debbie Fiegle
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Mary Ann you should buy a trampoline
Crystal Napier
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Charles Robert Garcia
Corinne Vitch
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I love this dog!!!!
Sanne de Vries
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Miranda van Dorssen
Miranda van Dorssen
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zie je mango al op de trampo? :-))
Sanne de Vries
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Mark Rosie
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Isla Rosie we need a dog
Bev Glover
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Clair Pinky Hockenhull you’ll like this
Anjula Choubae
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Milan Hamichan lmfao
Amburr McNeil
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Sally Schoenebeck
Sally Schoenebeck
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awww…how cute & did you read the 20 things….so true & made me tear up!!
Api Rangihuna
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Yes I can see it now Analisa Rangihuna Taylor…Lola and the mokos on da tramp…Te Atarangi anyway..dont know about my queen Eliza !!!!
Analisa Rangihuna Taylor
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Hahaha Lola will go crazy
Moira Smith
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Just like r max he loved the trampoline lol xx
Keeley Means
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Is sooooocute!
Billie Jo Gibson
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Sharen Crosby
Judy Brewer
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I just absolutely LOVE this video!!! ♥️♥️
Olivia Julia
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Vicky Gorska
Chiqui Delgado
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Jon Luck
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She looks so excited
Lucilea Standifer
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Dilip Jadhav
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I love Rottweiler
Pauline Snyder
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Sweet, but dangerous.
Helen Yambao
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The rottweiler is my favorite breed !
Alberta VanNest
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Soooo cute, I could so see our big boy playing on this, Rotts Love playing 🙂
Neil Malcolm Fry
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love it