Why More And More Young Women Are Choosing Dogs Over Motherhood

Truth be told (whether you like it or not…), some people just plainly prefer to have dogs more than to have children.

Yes, they've heard how wonderful and amazing having “real children” can be, but they argue that they have also seen and fear how the process of raising “real children” can be exhausting, stressful, and expensive.

There are young couples who adopts a dog just to see whether they are ready to have a “real family”. They feel that if they can take care of a dog, then maybe they are ready for “real children”.

While in the process of “testing” their capabilities as parents, more and more couples and even single adults are opting not to have “real children” and stay with their furry children.

Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing in our humble opinion, but it sure is a controversial topic for sure.

Go on to the next page to read more about why more and more young women are forgoing childbirth in favor of “doggy children”:

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332 thoughts on “Why More And More Young Women Are Choosing Dogs Over Motherhood

  1. Let’s face it people human children are a real pain in the$#%&!@*!!!! You don’t have the same problem with your dog. They will never stomp off saying “I HATE YOU BOTH”!!! They love to see you and they always will. As far as Grandkids, Grand dogs are way better and cheaper too.

  2. Why do people do say that when are you going to have another child or when are you going to have a baby clock is ticking it’s quite rude. I tell people I can’t have a child and I’m very happy with my fur babies do get some very weird looks. But people need to think before they speak these days time’s have changed not everyone chooses to have more than one child not everyone chooses to have a child and there maybe reasons be hide why they choose not. Pugs are like little people themselves wonderful breed of dogs.

  3. With overpopulation of humans on this planet causing destruction, and overpopulation of homeless dogs I chose not to be part of the problem, but part of a solution. Choosing not to have children is a more responsible life decision. And if you absolutely think you can’t live without a kid then be a foster parent or adopt.

  4. I respect people decisions. I love kids w good manners but at this time the children rule the parents house. N is the parents fault. N I love dogs too I have 2 Lula n. Rocky they listen when we say something . People send dogs to training but they don’t teach children any manners

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