Malissa Sergent Lewis works at an elementary school in Kentucky. And one morning, she happened to take an alternate route to work. Little did she know the trip would change her life forever.
Malissa Sergent Lewis decided to take the backroads to work one morning when she spotted the unthinkable.
Facebook / Malissa Sergent Lewis
She was shocked to see a trash bag walking down the road. She pulled out her cellphone to record it and decided to help, no matter what it was inside.
Facebook / Malissa Sergent Lewis
The bag started to walk toward Malissa as the mystery animal sensed someone nearby. Knowing it could be a very dangerous animal, she opened the bag to look inside.
Facebook / Malissa Sergent Lewis
Her heart sank when she saw an adorable puppy. He started wagging his tail immediately as if he knew he was going to be saved. She took to Facebook to say, “If this is your puppy, let me know. If you are the scoundrel who put it in a garbage bag and tossed it on the side of the road… you’re a sicko.”
Facebook / Malissa Sergent Lewis
The puppy had a collar but no identification, so she took him to work. When she got home that night, she took the puppy to the vet for an examination.
Facebook / Malissa Sergent Lewis
The vet said he was no more than eight weeks old but that he was completely healthy!
Facebook / Malissa Sergent Lewis
Malissa decided to keep the puppy and named him Hefty. Needless to say, her sons were pretty thrilled with their new dog! 🙂
Facebook / Malissa Sergent Lewis
Meanwhile, the Sheriff’s department and animal control are involved in an investigation to find out who committed this horrific act. Who could do such a thing?
But the playful and loving puppy is safe, healthy and in his forever home. What a happy ending! 🙂
[h/t The Dodo]
Todd R Carpenter
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People that commit acts like this, end up in hell
Andra Andrada
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So common in Romania and so less Malissas… 🙁
Diana Lefebure
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glad you saved him mad that some one could or would do that to such an adorable baby
Linda Wind
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Totally agree with you.
Janet Nelson Mullins
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Such a wonderful act of kindness. Now find the$#%&!@*that put the puppy in the bag and do the same thing to them, except on a multi lane busy expressway.
Susan Townsend
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Thanks to Melissa for being a loving, caring person x
Susan E.Zimmer
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Who could do that cruel thing. Put s puppy in a bag and leave him to die or be killed
Shelby Sweigart
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How can anyone be so cruel.
Tammy Gregory Adams
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Anne Spaulding
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Thank you for saving him. He is adorable.
Pamela Forster
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Pat Piccione-Athanasion
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What is wrong with sick is this.
Jamie Allen
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I hate those people. So glad u found him n he’s safe.
Lupe Muñoz
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Chiquito lindo,siempre encuentras en el camino personas d buen corazón,gracias x tu bondad!!!
Samuel Bagot
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Is it a cat?
Emile Gouin
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I hope you have nightmares for what you did for shame I don’t want you for a friend or a neighbour scumbag.
Elisabetta Caporuscio
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what the f…?
Jo Ann Pullin
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You are an angel. How blessed doggie is your finding him. Pray the culprit that did this will be found. If not God knows, and culprit beware
Rose Donnell
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Whoever did that I hope they get what’s coming to them they’re about the scum of the Earth
Francy Mascarenas
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Thanks Malissa!! Great job!! Hefty is adorable!!!
Joyce Frisk Lawley
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Hope they find the sick person who did This!,
Anita Jones
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Poor little fella, thank goodness you drive that road
Gayle Straight
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Thank you so much for caring enough to check it out and help!!!!
Kathleen Hart
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Who ever did that needs putting in a plastic bag too and chuck in the road,poor little baby
Yvette Chambers
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Happy God direct the woman. To take the back roads. Saved a puppy life.