14 Signs You’re A Crazy Pit Bull Person… and Damn Proud To Be!

Ever wonder if your obsession with your pit bull is healthy or if you may in fact be veering into crazy territory?

Well let's just say if more than a few of these points apply to you… then there’s straight up no denying that you are indeed a crazy pit bull person!

1. This is a 100% real picture of you in the future.

pit bull puppies pics

2. Things that are normally for human children are now for your pit bulls…

cute pit bull gif

3. …because your pit bull is your child.

pit bull play pics black

Move On To The Next Page For More Signs You're A Crazy Pit Bull Person!

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84 thoughts on “14 Signs You’re A Crazy Pit Bull Person… and Damn Proud To Be!

  1. Love all the pit bull love
    But it’s important to remember no matter how much of a dog person you are not every dog is going to like you just as not all humans are going to like you lol I work in rescue have for about 5 years now and there are a few dogs who just Do not like me who knows why
    So it’s always good to use caution and respect with any breed when meeting any new dog

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