If you haven’t heard of the Pie Face! game, let us briefly enlighten you: you fill the plastic hand with whipped cream and each player takes turns cranking the handle in a Russian roulette-style game of chance.
The Pie Face game (yes, this game is a #1 Best Seller on Amazon) was on many kids’ wish lists for Christmas this past year. Filled with suspense, the goal is not to get splatted in the face with whipped cream.
Players take turns putting their face through the hole and cross their fingers they don’t get “a pie in the face”.
But no one told Macky the Rottweiler that! As it turns out, he can’t wait to lose and get hit with the “pie” so that he can eat some tasty whipped cream!
Watch the hilarious video of Macky getting a pie in the face on the next page!
Bran Stan
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Nancy haha
Andrew Littlejohn
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Eric Williams
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Brandy Williams. I see Bama doing this possibly roxy
Toni Monson
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Katie, Dannielle I could see Harry doing this.
Carol Hughes
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Emily Hughes, Paul JonesJones x
Chelsea Kersh
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Alex Southworth
Alex Southworth
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Yes!!! We’ll have to play when she gets a little bigger.
Shana Clay
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Randal Fracasse
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That’s funny
Thomas Campling
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Stacy Pitingolo
Andrew Littlejohn
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not if it involves food
Mary Anne Waisanen
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EricHolly Strait
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Heather Sharrah Walters , Anna Herrera
Stephanie Glutz
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Heather, check this out!
Payton Mackey
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Preet Gill
Paige Fulcher
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Holly Fulcher Terry Bennett Alfie??
Natasa Martincic
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Melissa Henderson
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Ashley Ramos
Julia Patricia
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Pascal Dirlewanger
Malcolm Smith
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Victoria Grace
Anna Herrera
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That would be cooper and shutter
Annie Hunt
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Not another one. getting a tad boring now.
April Looney
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Michael Varela
Karen Scutter
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Carolyn Warren watch this x
Mary Janet E MacKay
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This is so funny! Watch the other video of the boy and his Dad playing. The dad is laughing so hard and rolling on the floor!
Anita Meagher
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David Edmondson Mariah Edmondson
Mariah Edmondson
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Hahaha love …. shall we get it for Ruru?
Kaye Millar
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Such loveable and goofy dogs !
Anita Meagher
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hahha imagine her face!
Evonne Thacker
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Keely Callaway show Gandy on Monday.
Keely Callaway
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David Edmondson
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shed probably just make me put my face in the hole instead because she was ‘scared’
Evonne Thacker
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Did u watch it, ?
Molly D. Som
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Younique Keri: Chiau Cheng
Keely Callaway
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Yes lol
Familia Elizondo Cordero
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Vean para poner a lucky Naza Sanabria Ríćh Flores Arias
Katie O'Halloran
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How funny
Alison Heggart
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Cam Lappin thought the boys might like this , especially Sam
Lori Bertino-Guzzetti
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Jen Bertino, we have to get this game so Sauseege can play too!!
Jason Adams
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There are somethings that dogs do better than other pets!!!!
Evonne Thacker
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Did u watch the grandpa one? He’s rolling on the floor laughing. Gandy would do that.
Evonne Thacker
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Did u watch the grandpa one? He’s rolling on the floor laughing. Gandy would do that.
Maggie Hamilton
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Lizzie Adrain
Vince de Marzio
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Sarah Mason
Ed Skairim
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Rickey Miraski
Jacqueline Den
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Craig Elliott
Jen Bertino
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Bella wants it too ahhax
Sandra Trezise
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Tahlia Hobart Jacksen Trezise do this for Roy
John Gallagher
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Here’s another dog who can’t wait…
Linh Vuy An
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Vuytam Vo