The relationship you have with your friends from childhood is unique. There’s something about knowing a person early on that reinforces the bond you share…
…and often, it means the two of you can just naturally pick up right where you left off after being apart for a while.
Laika the husky and Rook the pit bull met for the first time when they were both still puppies, and the two of them got along great.
More: See Why This Short Film About a Pug and a Cleaning Robot Has People Smiling From Ear to Ear
They hadn’t seen each other in years, but last Valentine’s day, these dogs were in for a huge treat!
It was love at first sight for Laika and Rook. They were best friends as puppies, but watch when they reunite later in life. I love this!
Check out the video on the next page!
German Shepherds Rule
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I <3 sheps ?
Sharon Case
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Too cute.
Jean Byrne
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so lovely that
Diane Teeter
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Paul Wedgbury
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Paula Wedgbury
Angela Paxton
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Lisa Muhammad
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That was really sweet
Bethel Steindel-Spargo
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Clare Lasserson
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Sam Lasserson
Cat Brugge
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Mila Martin
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So happy and excited!
Nina Shandraw
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Lorna Hayne
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Just love it!
Wendy Munson
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Naomi, do you think Charlie and Yogi would still go nuts if they saw each other like they used to?
Rosa Vargas
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Kenobi y Miklo ❤️. Marisol Contreras Cullen Ivonne
Marisol Contreras
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Awww igualitos!!!!!
Cullen Ivonne
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Que bonito, cuando los grabaron ?
Nick Geoffroy
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Avery Landry
Todd Young
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Alicia Shibley