Owners Dump Puppy In A Trashcan & Shut It Tight With A Bungee Cord To Kill Her

Cops in Wood River, Illinois, are looking for the scheming owners who covertly dumped a puppy in a trashcan near the woods behind the local Walmart store.

The trashcan was tightly sealed shut with bungee cords, indicating that the owners didn’t want the puppy to be found, and wanted her dead.

Source: Metro East Humane Society/Facebook

The puppy was discovered by some vigilant hunters who were ticked off by the suspicious looking trashcan. They quickly rescued the helpless puppy and took her to the Metro East Humane Society.

Thankfully, the puppy is doing okay. She is assumed to be 6-8 weeks old. The shelter says that the puppy wouldn’t have survived for long if it wasn’t for the timely rescue. So far, she has been very playful and active.

She will be up for adoption once her “stray hold” period is over. Meanwhile, the Wood River Police Department is investigating this case after the shelter reported the abandonment.

Source: Metro East Humane Society/Facebook

As of now, the cops don’t have any leads on who dumped her. They have reached out to the public in hopes of receiving tips to hunt down the people responsible.

If you have any information on this case, please contact the authorities in Wood River. Let’s band together and help the cops find the scum who dumped her. Spread the word!

Click the video below to watch a report on this poor puppy who was left for dead.

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