Pug Shaming Is The Best Kind Of Dog Shaming. Here Are 20 Photos To Prove That.

Our dogs are our best friends. They are always happy to see us. They comfort us in our times of need. They also eat our shoes, stain our carpets, and embarrass us in front of our guests.

These 20 photos to follow will prove to you that pug shaming is the best kind of all dog shaming!

Check out the snapshots of ridiculously cute but shamed pugs (compiled by the awesome BuzzFeed staff, Chelsea Marshall) on the next page!

They sure don't seem capable of humping humans, pooping on pillows, or snagging steak straight from a grill…

Here are snapshots of ridiculously cute but shamed pugs (compiled by the awesome BuzzFeed staff, Chelsea Marshall) who don't seem capable of humping humans, pooping on pillows, or snagging steak straight from a grill.

One thing's for sure.. unconditional love goes both ways!

1. This little stinker.

This little stinker.

2. This likely excuse.

This likely excuse.

3. Anyone who’s experienced pug cuddles, has experienced this lovely occurrence.

Anyone who's experienced pug cuddles, has experienced this lovely occurrence.

4. He’s just being thoughtful! Picking up wet poo < picking up dry poo.

He&#39;s just being thoughtful! Picking up wet poo &lt; picking up dry poo.

5. If you didn’t want to share, you should’ve put your name on it.

If you didn&#39;t want to share, you should&#39;ve put your name on it.

6. It’s too funny to stay mad.

It&#39;s too funny to stay mad.

7. A pug’s gotta establish dominance somehow.

instagram.com / Via dogshaming.com

8. Teamwork is an undervalued skill these days.

instagram.com / Via dogshaming.com

9. No dog should be forced to put on shoes so this one’s on you.

No dog should be forced to put on shoes so this one&#39;s on you.

10. Just good tactics.

Just good tactics.

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