Let me briefly set the stage here so that you see what's going on…
It’s a perfect scene. A dude in just his shorts and his French Bulldog just chilling on the couch. “Whatever You Like” by American rapper T.I. starts to play, and the owner looks at his dog.
It’s time to dance! They sway and swing together like the true ballers they are. And all the while, the wife was secretly filming them to capture this epic moment!
You just gotta see this! Even if you've seen this before, watch it again! It'll still make you laugh, i guarantee it! I've replayed it 4 times already!
Check out the hilarious video below!
Here's the official video of T.I.'s “Whatever You Like”. Enjoy~! (as much as the previous video… lol )
Ricky Lau
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Steve Li
Donna Brister
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Jesus Mendez Jr.
Jessica Holdstock
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Anthony Holdstock you should teach Dennis to do this instead of what he does right now when he sits up
Claire Doherty
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Paul Kirkpatrick Rebecca Kirkpatrick I expect to see this (maybe more clothes tho yeah buddies )
Chenie Oden
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Tayla Oden Tayt Oden
Bonnie Holtz
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Emily Holtz
Veronica Lovas
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Barbara Soos check this out too.. Other project
Barbara Soos
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Omg I so can picture this exact scene on the couch!!
Abbie Hodgskins
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Jessica Tarrant
Kim Eun Mi Young
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I love it each time I watch it!
PJ Pecorelli
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Way funny. Frenchies are the bomb.
PJ Pecorelli
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Nikki PecorelliNikki Pecorelli
PJ Pecorelli
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Darlene Williams
Paula Rasmussen
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Chris Rasmussen you and Dyson haha
Sophie Mellissa
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Dan Rose
Sophie Mellissa
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Emma Burgess
Lena Östlund
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Jim Uusitalo
Dani Tyler
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David Tyler
Jennifer Rutledge
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Micah Borjon I need a dancing Frenchie lol
Joan Cunningham
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Laura Cunningham
Kirsty Wright
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Daniel Lawson
Hanna Downs
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John Janssens
Chantelle Marie
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Joey Garrant
Abby LaDue
Maureen Lafortune
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Paige Ryan, Renee Lafortune
Skate Tyo Hoyana
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Bamanye Lwana
Chloe Bear
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So much cute n so much fun
Denise Sturman
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Kyle Brand, I can see you doing this!
Zoe Victoria Wheelhouse
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Dave Collins can you teach Maddox please!