This Adorable Pug Puppy Howling Will Put A Smile On Your Face, Guaranteed!

Howling is a long and noble tradition for dogs, going all the way back to their distant relative: the wolf.

Wild wolves would howl as a form of GPS, and could locate other members of their pack through long, loud calls.

Though domestic pups of today don't really have a need for these sorts of calls, they'll occasionally revert to their age-old customs and show off some of their impressive vocalizations — especially when they hear a sound that seems to mimic the howls of a wolf pack.

Here's a savvy little pug who is practicing howling and learning how to sound like a big, tough wolf!

Check out the adorable video on the next page!

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980 thoughts on “This Adorable Pug Puppy Howling Will Put A Smile On Your Face, Guaranteed!

  1. My pug angel Wednesday, when my adult daughter was maybe 12, saw something out of the corner of her eye that she thought was my daughter trying to hurt me. It of course was not, but she bit at her. This was the only time she ever did such a thing. It hurt my then-tween’s feelings and she cried like her best friend had been mean. This caused my Wednesday to snuggle beside her and howl so sadly that although I tried to laugh (nobody was bitten after all) it made me cry.

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