Pet Store Secretly Replaces All Its Animals With Rescues. Watch What Happens…

Animal shelters in Brazil are underfunded and overcrowded, and many families automatically bypass shelter pets — choosing to purchase a pricey puppy rather than adopt a free rescue.

One Brazilian rescue organization set out to change this: Quatro Patinhas, or “Four Paws,” secretly stocked a pet shop with rescue animals.

Then they set up hidden cameras to catch families' reactions when they found out that the sweet puppies and kittens were actually shelter pets… and that it cost nothing to adopt them.

The families in the video learn a priceless lesson when they realize that shelter pets are just as special and deserving of love as any other animals.

Watch the whole tearjerking video on the next page!

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135 thoughts on “Pet Store Secretly Replaces All Its Animals With Rescues. Watch What Happens…

  1. I don’t know where on earth you can adopt an animal for free… none of mine have been free. They have fees to cover their costs of care, boarding… some for spay/neuter … medications. Some shelters socialize the animals and find and support fosters. My last cat from a shelter cost over $200.
    My present dog I found in my town nearby, some people had been breeding her often… her bones were showing… her hair gone and skin inflamed. I stopped and asked if they would sell her to me. $50 later I took her to the vet. A few weeks later she became beautiful, sleek and smooth and healthy enough for a spay to be performed. Today she and I are best buds… this pug makes me laugh at least once every single day… best decision I ever made.

  2. I don’t know… If they want a dog just because it’s free, how dedicated could they be? Also, one of the reasons their are fees is to ensure the family can financially support a dog.

  3. Anything to get them a home. I can’t even go there. I want them all. The last time I went I got 2. Thankfully it was a “shelter emptying” marathon and they adopted all the dogs. But as I was leaving I saw people bringing in more. Some were just old and hard to care for. Yes, I wanted them too. I want say what else I wanted…. Made me so mad.

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