20 People Foods You Can Safely Give Your Dog

16. Celery – This is an excellent resource to improve your dog’s heart health and may prevent cancer. Celery is rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, iron and vitamins A, B and C. The phytochemical 3-n-butyl phthalide, which gives celery its signature taste and smell, is a powerful tumor-fighting agent. Celery is also reputed to reduce nervousness in animals and act as an acid neutralizer.

Image Source: Flickr - TheDeliciousLife
Image Source: Flickr

17. Green Beans – These are low calorie and nutritious, which is a win-win for your dog. Plus, he gets a boost of vitamins A, C and K, calcium, copper, fiber, folic acid, iron, niacin, manganese, potassium, riboflavin and thiamine, as well as beta-carotene. Did we mention the omega-3 fatty acids? You simply cannot go wrong with feeding your dog fresh green beans.

Image Source: Flickr - Media Mike Hazard
Image Source: Flickr

18. Peas – These little green veggies contain thiamine, phosphorous and potassium, and can be added to your dog’s regular food for an added boost of nutrition.

Image Source: Flickr - Isabel Eyre
Image Source: Flickr

19. Zucchini – An excellent source of calcium, potassium, beta-carotene and folate. Try grating some raw zucchini over your dog’s dry food for an extra-crunchy boost.

Image Source: Flickr - Glenn
Image Source: Flickr

20. Summer squash – This summer staple is great for the digestive system. If your dog is going through a bout of constipation, feed him some of your fresh summer squash.

Image Source: Flickr - Tim Sackton
Image Source: Flickr

To see more everyday foods that are safe for dogs , check out this awesome article.

Source: i Love Dogs

3 thoughts on “20 People Foods You Can Safely Give Your Dog

  1. Although these are mostly safe foods for dogs to eat, you use many health benefits dogs do not receive. Their physiology is extremely different than humans and suggesting that giving them vitamins and minerals is not helpful. Take for example dogs make all their own vitamin c- so giving them extra can be hazardous to their systems. More research needs to be done before you should be giving advice on canine nutrution.

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