#13 – Neapolitan Mastiff
The large and intimidating appearance of Neos allow them to embody the perfect watch dog. If added to a family with children, the puppy should grow up with the kids and experience pleasant moments around them.
Average Puppy Price: $1,750
Zoo Reynolds
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Tina Spinelle
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adopt don’t shop
Brian Ray
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Craig Lindeman
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My dog is priceless.
Rex Lane Harvey
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I would not mind betting that as the poor animals were fashion accessories the silly little$#%&!@*neglected them!
Jan Brizzi
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Further proof she has a LOT more money than brains.
Alex Doll
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They forgot Burners.
My Cute Pets
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Steve Young
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No kidding!!
Dan Gwilliam
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Kayleigh Ansell
Gayle King
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Hoping everything is okay Susie, praying for you and your daughter.
Jim Davidson
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Kill-shelters are filled with dogs — from mutts to pure breds — from puppies to seniors.
Tyrone Ethan Tucker
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Edward Rafferty
Lorraine Boxsell
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Carmel Thompson
Cheryl Dinkle McMullen
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or a Basset with Addisons Disease $$$$$$$$$$$$
Karin Bartes
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Aggie Alexandra
Joe Downey
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25 pages of crap
Hayley Nadia Segal
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French bull dogs cost 5K a piece
Tammie Ferris
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Please can you tell me how you got your basset diagnosed? Mine has had 2 episodes of hge which could be Addison’s disease but tests come back negative for it
Cheryl Dinkle McMullen
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He saw internal med specialist and spent 2 days… CBC & Imaging were the main proof of disease. This was 9 years ago and he is doing well on meds and a monthly injection. I’m looking back on the records and the main indicators seem to have been “severe hemoconcentration HCT, and PCV/TS. BUN and PHOS. Not sure what those mean now but that is on his clinical sheet then. Good luck with this Tammie. It’s rare that it is diagnosed in time to save them if that is what is wrong, so don’t delay. Prayers for answers for you.
Cheryl Dinkle McMullen
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just found another paper/ Addison’s confirmed by ACTH sim. Aldosterone, adrenal measurements were taken Cortisol, sodium and potassium. those tests appeared to be the dreaming factors.
Carol Ruby
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Marieks Horne
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This looks like a dog trapped in a lion’s skin
Yolande Pienaar
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Francois Steenkamp
Jane Banks
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Don’t shop, adopt! Check your local shelters, start with those that kill then check the spca!
Jane Banks
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Don’t shop, adopt from shelters and rescues….save lives!!
Mike Van Ditto
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How much home made dog food good you buy for a resue dog if you didn’t spend money on hper expensive dog? Are these dog lovers or dog ego boosters?