His Owner Rolled The Car Window Down & Slammed His Little Body Onto Concrete

A horrible person threw a tiny puppy from a car window while speeding down the road. No one has any idea why or how this person could be that evil.

By the time someone found the puppy, he was on the concrete writhing in pain. He called out and cried in the most heartbreaking way. Thankfully someone heard him!

His poor head hit the concrete so hard that the pain was unbearable. He had to get to the veterinary clinic as fast as possible.

A Good Samaritan fetched a blanket and a basket and placed the puppy carefully inside. It was time to drive him to the clinic. The poor baby cried the whole way there.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

The vet and his staff were appalled by what happened to the little puppy. He was so young and had already suffered so much. His head injury was very serious.

He would need to be watched carefully. The vet said his odds of surviving weren’t in his favor, but he was going to do all he could to save his life.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

The clinic has very limited resources. As the puppy took a turn for the worse and needed supplemental oxygen, they made him the perfect oxygen mask from a saline bottle. The vet sedated the pup so he could sleep as much as possible.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

The next day he woke up feeling much better. His condition is still touch-and-go but everyone is doing all they can to save his life. The vet and his staff are giving him pain meds and he’s never alone at the clinic.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/YouTube

The puppy continues to fight so hard and could use all of our prayers. Can you send some his way? To see his rescue, check out the video below. Thank you to his rescuers and medical staff!

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