In a recent post on, a man detailed his story of sneaking his dog into a hospital by hiding it in a suitcase. The man’s wife was in the hospital and the doctor had given a grim diagnosis, leaving her very little time to live. For this reason, the man decided he needed to sneak their dog into the hospital so his wife could play with her one last time.
“The prognosis was not good. She was able to speak, but was not eating or drinking, and relied completely on her IV and hard pain pills. In one rare instance of cogent speech, she convinced me to sneak our dog into her private room, so she could see her,” the man wrote in his post.
The couple’s dog was a 50-pound Australian shepherd, so the man had to hide the dog inside a large suitcase in order to sneak her past the hospital staff. The man tried to tell the dog she would only have to be in there for a short amount of time, and that she would be able to see her mom again, but he was sure she would bark or make a sound at some point and jeopardize their mission.
More: The Dog Breed You Choose Can Reveal Surprising Parts Of Your Personality
To his surprise, the Australian shepherd remained quite the entire time he carried her over to his wife as he made his way to the hospital. Lying to the staff and telling them he was simply bringing some things to cheer his wife up, the man carefully carried his dog all the way to the room.
“When we entered the room, my wife was asleep. I unzipped the suitcase, and the dog immediately jumped on the bed, and gingerly laid across her chest, somehow avoiding the wires and IV. She positioned herself to where she could look directly into my wife’s eyes, and laid completely still, until about twenty minutes later, when my wife woke up, and started moaning in pain,” the man explained.
The dog, seemingly understanding of the situation the woman was in, carefully got as close to her mother as possible and waited for her to wake up. The mission was a success, and the man was finally able to reunite his wife with their beautiful Australian shepherd.
“The dog immediately started licking her, and quietly moaned, as if knowing that barking would definitely blow our cover. My wife hugged her for almost an hour, smiling the whole time. We were busted by one nurse who was so touched that she promised not to tell,” the man stated in his Reddit post.
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Just a couple days after this whole encounter, the man’s wife passed away. Having fulfilled one of her final wishes before she passed away, the man and dog were always left with a little reminder of the moment they all shared just a little while before when they looked at the suitcase. Whenever the man goes to use the suitcase now, the dog still thinks they are going back to see her.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Sandra Mcculla
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Just right sneaking him in So sad
Linda Blake
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Never thought of doing thatp
Diane Harizi
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Sorry for your loss ! I am glad your dog was able to see your wife. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family .
Tiffany Crowder
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Such a sweet story I think animals should be aloud in hospital rooms/beds
Wolf Ander
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Hospitals are not clean I don’t know why they don’t allow a dog
Wendy Bittis
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That is bad they should let you bring the dog there that was wrong on there part
Edith MacPherson
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Love this one
Laurie Schreiber
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Jocelyne Triganne
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Good for him.
Janice Mullikin
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Doberman Smith
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If I am dying, someone better do this for me!
Karen Camera
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Oh man
Bless you all
This is so touching and right
Andy Pfannenstiel
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Great husband to let wife say goodbye to a important family member !
Eric Weerstra
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Cute story, but the dog in the picture looks more like a springer spaniel than an australian sheepdog
James Quinn
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My Mom has to go Hospice & I thought of doing that as well
Cezar Azizi
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Thanks for sharing such a lovely story!
Lily Bloom
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I really do think this needs to be changed! Our pets are our family.
I’d want my dog there!!!
Lyn Thorley
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Our local hospital allows pets to come in to see patients up until dinner time. They are welcome anytime until then. It is lovely to see and really helps the patients.
Loes Poell
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Omg…made me cry…
Bobbi Cook
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I hope my baby is with me
J Lee Dillon
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Katelyn Farr ugj
Kelly Jo Gordon
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Dalton Drye if it ever comes to this please do this for me
Livia Sabara
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Why not?!!! Why can’t people understand that pets are Family?!!
Dena Phillips
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Irene Wilmont
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Sometime we do what we have to do.
Bert Pifruck
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So sad, glad she was able to see her pet
Charles Murray
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Ted Tolan it looks like trickle
Susan Davidson
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He shouldn’t have had to sneak it in.
Eugene Brown
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Karin Clark
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I wld sneak too
Katherine Burris
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Aaaaaw. Good smart move.
Patricia Oliveira
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It must be made law that all pets are allowed in hospitals and nursing homes. It is so very good for the patients, the pets, the staff and the pets are a lot cleaner than a lot of the people who come to visit the patients.
Kristyl Adams
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I hope the dog had air!!!
Lynne Davies
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Okay, this is the same picture used in another post about a women going on holiday!!!!!
Mike Van Ditto
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You can tell the dog is greving .
Jim Burke
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Dogs are cleaner then some of the people I see in hospitals.
David Mosier
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They should have let you dog in to see his wife
Corrin Denley
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That’s sweet