Nearly-Euthanized Mama Adopts 5 Orphaned Pit Bull Puppies

Dr. Deborah Wilson from Circle L. Ranch received news that a mama dog who had just delivered her babies was going to be put down. The dog’s two babies were only 6 days old. Deborah took the mom and her puppies to the ranch, but as soon as they got there, she got yet another call.

Facebook / Deborah Wilson

Deborah received a tip that a man was threatening to drown nine Pit Bull puppies if nobody would take them away. The Circle L. Ranch and the rescue community met up to rescue the puppies. Deborah took five to the ranch and a different organization rescued the other four pups. However, it’s what the rescue mama dog did for these Pit Bull pups that’s wonderful…

Facebook / Deborah Wilson

The mother dog is now looking after her own two babies and serving as a surrogate for her five Pit Bull adoptees.

“We introduced the runt to her, she sniffed him and licked him, we placed him down on her nipples and he started eating right away. She was OK with it and seemed pleased. So one by one we brought in the others, she acceptid [sic] all of them,” Deborah shared.

Facebook / Deborah Wilson

She is the best mom. Even though the new five are older, they are smaller than her two.” Just have a look at that: they made a new family despite of what seemed like an endless night!

Facebook / Deborah Wilson

Deborah and the rescue team are very grateful to the community that shared word of the abuse and reported it to them. Because of individuals dedicated to the well-being of animals, this mama dog and her babies were rescued.

“Thanks to the kindness of rescue folks and social media, these innocent puppies were not drowned. They will be fed, cared for, spayed and neutered and eventually adopted out at the ranch,” she mentioned.

Please don’t forget to SHARE this surrogate mama dog’s stories to help and support rescue animals all around the globe!

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