Joshua the Pug’s Rescue Story of Hope Will Have You In Tears…

It always breaks my heart whenever I come across stories of abandoned dogs… but a good number of these dogs are lucky enough to get rescued by caring people out there willing to extend a helping hand to dogs in need (bless these people!!!).

Joshua is one such dog, a brave pug who went through the worst of times being abandoned who was fortunate enough to find a path to the best of his life.

joshua the pug - story of hope

As you'll soon see, he's a real fighter who didn't give up! He proved to everyone that he could make it through the worst of conditions.

When all hope seemed lost, Joshua remained strong. His new owners are so proud and happy to have him as part of their family.

Check out the amazing story of Joshua the Pug on the next page:

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180 thoughts on “Joshua the Pug’s Rescue Story of Hope Will Have You In Tears…

  1. I’m sorry but there is no excuse for abusing an animal & to say it angers me is an understatement but Pugs are my most favorite & if I ever saw anyone abusing one they would be 6 feet under! I am eternally grateful for whoever rescued this little one! you are an angel and I am glad this one was able to be saved!

  2. Here’s my beautiful black baby. Your little angel reminds me if mine. He is gorgeous. Who could let that gorgeous dog get that bad?! Heartbreaking. But he’s better off now. Thank you for saving him.

  3. It is impossible don’t cry. I am in Brazil and ..i had a similar experience when i adopt my pug named “Bolota”. They are finally lucky (and us, the family much more to have them into our lives). He is the most great gift in my life!

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