Is it a Pug or a Seal? Their Resemblances are Uncanny and Hysterical!

Have you ever thought of the uncanny resemblance between a pug and a seal? They definitely are creatures of totally different species, but when pointed out you'll realize their striking similarities!

Don't believe me? Well, we've got images that prove their uncanny resemblances. Once you check out the images of the pug and the seal side by side, you'll realize it too!

Who knew… pugs actually were seals that evolved into land roaming creatures! LOL!

No wonder these two animals are often confused for one another! But regardless of their similarities, at the end of the day they are both so cute and adorable who will make you smile and brighten your day, any day of the week!

Check out the uncanny resemblances between pugs and seals on the next page for a good laugh!

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