OMG… If Looks Could Kill…

“He's a dead man…” That's what crossed my mind when i first saw this video!

This is just too funny! Just love the doggy's facial expression when his human taps him on the chest! It's TD Stoppenhagen's Boxer dog – and as you can see, he gives the best look of disgust ever!

He's like… “Did you just touch me?? Don't touch me again, human… touch me again and – I swear – I'll kill you!”

…or maybe “WTF you think you're doing MF?!” LOL!

I'll guarantee it'll be 0:06 of your life well spent!

Watch this hilarious short video clip on the next page!

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497 thoughts on “OMG… If Looks Could Kill…

  1. James I know, but she bit hard. The male never did that. She has outgrown it for the most part. I have my 84 year old mother living with me now. So she is scared of her. It is getting better though. Abby is just really feisty. We love her to pieces though.

  2. Awww I’m sorry for the loss of your fur baby. I had to put my beagle down in 2010 because she had cancer. She was 10 and i had her since she was a month old. I still miss her and cry for her so i know how you feel.

  3. I remember those days vividly! What I did was I would yelp and stand up and walk away, as if playtime is over. She finally learned biting means no playing and she got it, no muzzle, no crate needed.

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