Horses Help Heal People’s Spirits At Special Retreat

There’s a special horse retreat known as Equinsity Retreats, where people can visit and interact with horses to heal body and spirit.

People from all over the world travel to the 325-acre ranch in British Columbia to relax with the horses, who are all incredibly comfortable and calm around humans, but also live in family herds as they would if they were in the wild.

This retreat is not the first place to offer a special way for people to interact with animals to help them with their troubles. Veterans coping with PTSD are healing with the help of rescued wolves.

I just loved watching the way the horses interact with the visitors and in the beautiful surroundings. It looks so peaceful!

Share this incredible place with your friends!

Want a glimpse into how the horses at Equinsity Retreats sometimes relax? Check out this funny video!

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