This Amazing DOCUMENTARY Between a Woman and her Pug Will Touch Your Heart

We've come across an amazing and touching documentary between a woman, Doreen Devore, and her beloved pug, Spanky.

“Considering how much joy our pets can bring us, is love between a pet and an owner any less significant than love between two people?”

That's the question that Doreen raised and this beautiful documentary attempts to (and most successfully does in our opinion) shed some light on that question through the story of the devoted Doreen and her precious pug Spanky.

Spanky has been with Doreen for 16 long years! They are best of friends and love each other very much (which is so apparent from the film). However, Spanky requires a little extra love and attention because of his old age and health problems.

Watch and learn all the ways Doreen keeps Spanky taken care of so that he can stay as healthy as possible. It’s amazing how much devotion can go to a helpless doggy.

Watch this touching story between Doreen and her pug, Spanky on the next page. Grab some tissues!

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973 thoughts on “This Amazing DOCUMENTARY Between a Woman and her Pug Will Touch Your Heart

  1. I’m at lose for words. This was so moving. So much love. My little girl is 8 and still full of energy. If I ever find myself in the same position I would whatever it takes. I’ve had revvy since she was 8 weeks old. The bond we have is incredible. Thank you so much for sharing

  2. The bond between woman and dog is beautiful ❤️ my girl Bella who is 10 is the love of my life! I sobbed uncontrollably watching this, thinking about the day I have to say goodbye. Holding her a little tighter tonight.

  3. a very very sad but so true to life documentary anyone who has been there and I know I have will completely understand her feelings and devotion it is difficult to watch but in the end, it does at least for me makes you feel at peace for all truly dog lovers it is a must watch thank you Doreen

  4. Hard to watch….very loving owner! I had to make this decision with my 13 yr old pug last April. I was with him till the end….still miss him! I got a pug puppy in September, who I love ❤️! But Charley can never be replaced! I pray to see him again one day.

  5. This made me sob ! I too have older pugs , 2 blind and diabetic and one with hip dysplasia! It’s such a challenge yet I love them so so much , but watching this made me a little scared. I hate that decision! I pray that when their time comes, they just fall asleep peacefully. I love my angel pugs !

  6. I had to put my 14 year old pug to sleep a year and one half ago. She got diabetes and it caused brain damage. You are a saint to have taken such good care of Spanky. You dedicated your life to him. You also knew when it was time as I did. We will all be reunited at the Rainbow Bridge.

  7. Not many owners have such patience and devotion. So admire her! I worry about my 2 babies, one, a pug 8.5 years old, yorkie the same age. Im getting older myself, arthritis, very bad back. Was always healthy until a few years ago. Will I be able to do for mine half what this lady did? I will do all I can with help from my husband. My dogs will live for as long as they are meant to live, with the best love and care we can give them. They are my last dogs. I’ll be to old for any more. Not fair to any others. I’ve had dogs my entire life. What is life without them?

  8. This is an amazing story. I love my pug like you love yours. It’s heartbreaking to watch but your unconditional love you had for him was amazing. I wish everyone loved their animals this much. Lovely story and you are an amazing woman to offer such love for this animal.

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