Heartbroken Dog Refused To Leave The Spot Where Her Family Abandoned Her

In the freezing cold, a beautiful Collie stood in a park near a picnic table. She wouldn’t budge. And if people tried to approach her, she would run away, only to end up in that exact spot again. She was waiting for the family who had left her there.

Residents of the Pennsylvania town contacted Janine Guido, founder of Speranza Animal Rescue. Guido drove to the park to save the dog she named Carla. It broke her heart that Carla continued to wait for the family who had abandoned her.

Guido tried to get Carla to come over so she could get her into the car but even using treats, the dog would run away.

“On the first and second day I went out I was able to hand-feed her,” Guido told The Dodo. “However, if I went to loop her with the leash she would back up.”

Guido posted a heartbreaking photo of Carla on Speranza Animal Rescue’s Facebook page. Carla just stood there and continued to wait patiently for her owners who abandoned her.

Ever wonder what a dog dumped by its owners does? Sits and watches. Waiting for its family to come back. This dog has…

Posted by Speranza Animal Rescue on Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Then, Carla disappeared and Guido feared the worst. Who knew what could have happened to the poor dog, especially in the frigid temperatures. But then, thankfully, Guido got a call that Carla was hiding under a nearby porch. Guido got in her car and rushed over– but again, the dog got spooked and ran away.

Just a few hours later, Carla was spotted again. Guido describes what happened next: “I was able to have her follow me on to a porch. And the two other women blocked both entrances, so she could not escape. I leashed her and the rest is history.”

They went straight to the vet where Guido discovered that Carla was around 10 years old and nearly 15 pounds underweight. From there, Carla went right to a foster home. She was so happy to be in a warm, safe place that she fell right to sleep.

Carla is flourishing in her foster home. She adores her new foster siblings too! Thanks to a patient rescuer, she is now safe and warm!


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