Dad Tells Great Dane It’s Time For A Bath – And He Knows Precisely What To Do

Some dogs love taking baths while others run for the hills whenever they hear the word.

But Basil the Great Dane is one of those pups who doesn’t mind taking baths at all. In fact, he even knows EXACTLY what to do during bath time each Sunday.

Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

His dad tells Basil it’s bath time, and Basil walks inside the house and goes straight up the stairs to the bathroom. He walks in and goes to the tub.

With some encouragement, Basil climbs into the tub all by himself and stands there waiting patiently for his dad to turn the shower on.

Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

Basil is such a clever pup for knowing the bath time routine and not putting up a fight when it’s time for it.

I’m sure his owner is very thankful for that because it makes giving him a bath that much easier! And I bet every dog owner wishes bath time was this easy!

Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

We also can’t imagine how much soap it takes to wash that giant body of his!

Watch Basil follow his Sunday bath time routine in the video below:

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