Man Mercilessly Kicks His Dog, Helpless Dog Lets Out The Most Horrifying Screams

Will Saggau from Centennial, Colorado, has discovered a disturbing footage on his doorbell camera archive.

The video captures a man violently kicking his dog while the dog cries helplessly. Will was worried about the dog’s injuries and immediately reported this incident to the authorities.

Source: Denver7 – The Denver Channel/YouTube | kizu666/Pixabay

The doorbell footage shows the owner chasing his dog and debilitating him with forceful kicks. The dog whimpers in extreme pain but still limps and follows his owner.

Just seconds later, continuous agonizing shrieks of the dog can be heard again as the man resumes beating his dog off-camera.

Let’s spread the word and help the cops identify and arrest this rascal man.

Update: After Will reported the dog’s abuse, “The Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Regions Animal Law Enforcement” stepped in and tracked down the dog owner to be a 44-year-old Richard Johnston. His dog, Forty, was also brought under the Human Society’s custody.

Will Saggau | Source: Denver7 – The Denver Channel/YouTube

Will was right in his worries about Forty’s injuries. The poor dog has several wounds and is currently recovering. Richard is given an ultimatum of 10 days to pay $525 toward Forty’s treatment.

He has been charged with animal cruelty and will have to appear before a judge in a few days. Let’s spread the word and demand strict punishment for Richard.

Click the video below to watch Richard’s disturbing assault on his innocent dog.

WARNING: The contents of this video may be disturbing to some viewers.

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