This English Bulldog Was Near Death Until Firefighters Saved Her Life

Potato, an adorable English Bulldog, was near death until hero firefighters came to her rescue.

Thick black smoke was coming from the apartment as firefighters broke down the door.

Poor Potato was found alone in the burning apartment in Southern California, unable to breathe on the floor.

The fire, which had started in the kitchen, was contained to just the one unit.

Source: NBC Los Angeles

Potato was carried outside to safety by firefighters who gave the near-death dog oxygen, water, and of course, belly rubs. Soon after, Potato was up and walking around.

LAFD Battalion Chief Dean Zipperman, a dog owner himself, was happy they could help save the young pup. Potato has since visited the vet for a checkup to make sure everything is okay.

Thankfully, she’s now doing just fine and has quite the story to tell at the dog park!

Check out the video capturing the Los Angeles firefighters comforting the dog who was having trouble breathing after a rescue from a burning home in Koreatown on the next page:

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