Elderly Dog Reunites with Soldier. The Dog’s Reaction is PRICELESS!

Here's the heartwarming and tearjerker video of Buddy the 13-year-old senior Golden Retriever greeting her mommy, Private Hannah Foraker as she rolls on the ground with happiness!

“My parents were so astonished by how happy she was during my time at home,” Foraker said. “She normally has trouble going up and down the stairs and takes shorter walks, but now that I was home she was so happy and active. She would get up and do her happy dance.”

Check out the video below! …and SHARE to spread a smile! 🙂

29 thoughts on “Elderly Dog Reunites with Soldier. The Dog’s Reaction is PRICELESS!

  1. We currently own our 3rd Goldie, who we rescued from the pound. We owned our 1st 2 Goldies for their entire lives & have been so rewarded by the affection & trust that our 3rd Goldie has placed in us. My 1st Goldie had hip dyplasia & so I always took him swimming, my 2nd Goldie was fine & loved his walks, as does my current dog. I couldn’t recommend another dog more highly!

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