This Dog Figured Out How To Answer A Ringing Landline Phone & Started “Talking”

Doki has always been a very smart and dutiful dog. He loves being useful around the house and ends up finding new ways to help his family.

For the past few weeks, Doki was especially fascinated every time the home phone rang in the household.

He began observing his humans and soon figured out a way to answer the phone himself!

Source: ViralHog/Youtube

When Mom excitedly told her family that Doki had become a pro at answering the phone, they just wouldn’t believe her.

One day, she decided to call the home phone with her cell phone, and asked her daughter to record Doki’s reaction.

Source: ViralHog/Youtube

As the phone rings echo through the house, an alert Doki comes running into the room and immediately begins his adorable “phone answering” ritual.

He hops on the couch to access the phone, and works his paws and mouth to skillfully lift the phone off the hook. What a brilliant pooch!

Source: ViralHog/Youtube

We can’t help but laugh and be amazed at the same time as we see Doki trying his best to “talk” on the phone.

He clearly loves being a responsible good boy who answers the phone calls for his humans. The sweet Doki had us smiling from ear to ear and we’re sure you will love him too!

Click the video below to watch Doki’s clever and adorable phone-answering ritual!

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