They Began Losing Hope After Dog Remained Buried 12 Ft Underground For 72 Hours

Charlie, a Patterdale Terrier, wandered off in a deserted field during fox control, and ended up falling through a muddy hole.

When his owners realized he was missing, they quickly located him through his tracking collar.

However, their hearts sank when they realized that Charlie was buried under a 12.5-ft deep rocky hole.

Source: Angus Glens Moorland Group/Facebook

The owners immediately informed the local rescue team at “Angus Glens Moorland Group”. After assessing Charlie’s situation, the group requested R K Services in Montrose to lend them a rock breaker for this mammoth rescue mission.

Just hours after Charlie went missing, the rescuers began digging through the rock with an optimistic attitude.

Source: Angus Glens Moorland Group/Facebook

But even after digging for 3 straight days, but there was still no sign of Charlie.

The rescuers began losing hope as they knew it was unlikely for a dog to survive in the suffocating underground for such a long period.

After 74 hours of breaking and removing rocks, the rescuers finally heard the faint whimpers of Charlie. With renewed hope, they began digging further.

Source: Angus Glens Moorland Group/Facebook

Watch this video till the end to see the victorious moment when the rescuers finally found Charlie. The traumatized dog had managed to stay alive, and was overjoyed to see humans again after 3 bleak days.

He is back at his home now, and is said to be doing well. We salute this heroic rescue team for persevering till the very end and not giving up on Charlie!

Click the video below to watch the most remarkable moments from Charlie’s epic rescue mission! Keep your volumes up to hear Charlie whimpering from under the ground.

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