Lexus the homeless Pit Bull had nowhere to go when she went into labor. She crawled to a shabby backyard and cried through the night as she gave birth to her puppies.
A family noticed Lexus and gave a rescue call to “Hope For Paws”.
Source: Hope For Paws/YouTube
When the rescuers arrived at the backyard and flashed a light on Lexus, the poor mama got terrified and ran away.
However, the neighbors joined hands and made sure that Lexus stayed within the safety parameters.
The rescuers knew that time was running out, so they immediately went to the spot where she gave birth.
The rescuers were heartbroken when they investigated the pile of puppies lying in the soil. One of the puppies had passed away, while the others were barely holding on.
When the rescuers broke the sad news to Lexus, she was devastated. However, she finally realized that the rescuers were there to help her and her surviving puppies.
Source: Hope For Paws/YouTube
After taking her to the shelter, the grieving mama dog was nursing her remaining puppies when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. An X-ray revealed that Lexus had a metal bottle cap lodged in her stomach.
The poor dog had been scavenging for food in trashcans, and she had ended up eating a ton of junk to suppress her hunger.
As Lexus was still a nursing mother, surgery was out of the question for her. The rescuers eventually induced artificial vomiting and helped her get rid of all the junk in her belly.
After that, the sweet Pit Bull mama instantly felt better!
Source: Hope For Paws/YouTube
It’s truly heartwarming to see Lexus and her puppies doing well at the end of this video. We thank these amazing rescuers for looking out for this helpless family. We’re hope they all find their forever homes soon!
Click the video below to watch the heart-wrenching rescue of Lexus and her newborn puppies!
WARNING: The contents of this video may be disturbing to some viewers.