7 Differences Between Dog Lovers And Dog Parents

Here's Artist Kelly Angel’s hilarious comic capturing the difference between being someone who loves dogs as opposed to being a true dog parent, whose very being is completely consumed by the affection they have for their furry friend.

This hilarious comic totally nails it! Check them out below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family to spread a smile! 🙂

Being a dog lover is like being the fun aunt to your brother’s kid. You get to enjoy spending quality time with them while not having to deal with the “taking care” and “responsibility” part.

More: 35 Healthiest Human Foods You Can Feed Your Dog (And The 12 That Could Kill Your Dog)

Almost everyone can be a dog lover, but not everyone is a dog parent. When I told my roommate this she however disagreed vehemently and asked me for joint custody of my dog when we stop living together. *SMH*

So here’s how I made my case:

1. Dog lovers get to sleep in, a lovely, beautiful luxury that isn’t afforded to dog parents, who are at the mercy of their dog’s schedule.

alarm clock


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