Darlene was getting a manicure from her usual nail technician – a woman she liked and had been visiting for years. The woman told her about her son's unwanted puppy, a dog he refused to provide food, water and shelter.
Darlene assumed the technician was feeding the dog when in fact Smokey was slowly being starved to death. The manicurist finally confessed that she wanted to “put the dog down” but didn't want to pay the $200 fee to do so. Darlene, a retired interior designer and an animal lover, not an animal rescuer, requested a photo of the Smokey.
What she saw was an emaciated, sad dog. “Something out of a concentration camp.” Darlene dropped everything and went to the technician’s home where she found Smokey, who was barely able to walk and unable to even eat the food she offered. She dropped some unkind remarks to the son who couldn't care less.
More: 20 Things All Dog Owners Must Never Forget. The Last One Brought Me To Tears…
When Smokey was brought to the animal hospital, he was immediately put on an IV drip where he was given round the clock fluids and proper food. His blood work showed food deprivation that spanned weeks, possibly months. His digestive system was in shock.
Within a month, Smokey had gained 20 lbs, going from 40 lbs to 60lbs.
Forte Animal Rescue a 501 (c)(3) based in Marina del Rey, California stepped in to help Darlene with the hospital care and bills as well as to re-home Smokey. His vet bills amounted to thousands of dollars of which Darlene and the rescue took care of.
More: 12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog
Today, not even a year later, Smokey is recovered and lives in Los Angeles with a wonderful family. He is fed. He is loved. He is home.
Check out the video below to watch this inspirational story of heroism.
Diane McCarty
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Thankful for a new home, furbaby. You didn’t deserve this.
Melinda Keleci Şenok
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People are sooo cruel
Nancy Fuller
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Poor baby the original owners should have been charged with animal abuse. He’s happy and healthy now
Linda Thrall
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Way to go Darlene
Danielle Gauthier
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But I’m so glad he was saved
Chris Hargreaves
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THIS is why I dislike (sometimes even hate) people, and love animals
Tammy King
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Marty Harris
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You’re getting a photo of an emaciated Jew from a death camp when I get home from work today.
Marty Harris
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You’re getting a photo of an emaciated Jew from a death camp when I get home from work today.
Lynne Morgan
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Love that Smokey has found a safe forever home. The previous owners should be prosecuted!
Ann McKillop
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Why get a dog and treat it so badly, the man is a cretin and should be prosecuted!! So glad the dog has a happy home now.
Tom Puleo
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Y y y y
These ppl should have the same done to them
Sandy Regier
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Billy Brouder
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Thank you
Nancy Burden-Lamm
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Beryl Perryman
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Thank goodness the dog is now in safe hands.
Chiko Pelaez
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why people has to be mean……
Suzette Heggem
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Such a happy ending
Judy Craig
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Thank goodness for GOOD people.
Angie King
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Shocking how some people can be so cruel. Karma will get them
Cynthia Haney
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Thank God for compassionate souls like her.
Anganie Latchman
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See y I don’t like people
Susan Bennett
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Beautiful story..so happy he found a good home
Anganie Latchman
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They will hurt u till u dead but dog will love u and till them well uno what
Moonshadow Jessy
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Thank God there are people ready to step in and save these poor helpless animals!
Valerie Amster
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Poor are so cruel. They should been arrested. Thank God for the rescurer.
Kelly Clancy
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Why is this happening please god stop it x
Susan Camp
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Thank heaven got angels
Georg Hafke
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don’t let the owners suffer send them to Yellowknife for manual road maintenance
Patricia Oliveira
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If found the old owners should be taken up to the mountains and chained to a large tree. Cuff their hands and shackle their ankles. Put duct tape around their mouth and head. Leave the dirty sob scum their to die. Karma
Linda Jury
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Find and shoot the owner
Grace Pritchett
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Instead giving dog away to shelter or rescue they rather starve the dog ??!! That kind of person is horrible and I would never trust him with a human being let alone with another animal.
Jackye Bumcrot
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OMG poor baby
Louisa Mouzarine
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Antonio Loffredo
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Tiers of JOY.
Kristina Kavková
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Louise Radecky
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Put that person in the yard with no food
Heather Deslauriers
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Thank u for helping this lovely pup
Jane Jones
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What goes around comes around I hope
Nina Deladeuce
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Pisses me off so bad.
Erin Schroer
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It is terrible what this dog went through. But wonderful he had an advocate and now a loving home
Lindy Long
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Skyler sais thank you for saving another Dobe. ❤
Joy Calvano
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Unbelievable the cruel people out on the world
Michael Eric Cheater
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Amazing women
Ann Hancock
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Thank You GOD for people who rescue the innocent.
Wade Wilson
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I hate people.
Debbie Cartwright Carruthers
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It is beyond my comprehension how someone could treat a dog that way, or stand by and let it happen. I hope those people were taken to court over this gross neglect of an animal.
Hythyr Moyer
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The sad part is this is happening every day to so many animals and no one knows. Heart breaking
Katie Adams
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Who ever did this should be caught and arresed !!!!
Dalia Gomez
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Thank god